Caffeine with David
Caffeine with David
Defining Your Personal Values + Here are Mine.

Defining Your Personal Values + Here are Mine.

They help you take action, set priorities, and pull from your experiences.

As you grow, your values change. I took some time to define my values again properly. I was surprised at the result. For me part of the surprise was that “work” wasn’t at the top.

Values should be actionable. They point at what you do on a regular basis.

Values should set priority. They help you make decisions when you can’t.

Values should be from your real experience. You have these values from what you’ve learned works for you. They are not so aspirational as to be out of reach.

What are the values and tenets you live by?

Do you follow them as a guide?

Here are mine:

Personal Values & Tenets

  1. Health. I aim to continue to feel better as I age.

  2. Experiences. I know experiences are more valuable than things. An experience is making a memory or having a learning experience.

  3. Relationships. Cultivate a loving community through service, support, and sharing myself.

  4. “Fear is a compass” The things I’m scared to do, point at where I will grow the most and can go next.

  5. Level up for others, not just for me. What can I do or create to be more of a service to others? What do others need that I can learn how to provide? I improve my relationships through giving.

  6. Vulnerability & Authenticity. I’m sick of trying to be seen as something, how can I own “me” more?

  7. Know the Outcome. When I don’t know the outcome, I lose a sense of direction. Outcomes help ground me and help me stay focused on delivering and being “on the hook” and committed.

  8. Create and act Before 11 AM. Time is my most precious resource, and I prioritize using that time to create and act every day.

As always, let me know how I can help,

xx David

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Caffeine with David
Caffeine with David
Learn how your favorite creators are building a brand and community around who they are.
This podcast is hosted David Sherry, Founder of Death to Stock and Community organizer of Jacuzzi Club.