Caffeine with David
Caffeine with David
5 Squishy Desire Business Owners Have Beyond Money, Fame, Success.

5 Squishy Desire Business Owners Have Beyond Money, Fame, Success.

True satisfaction is a clue that your deeper needs are being met.

Youtube and Social Media will tell you that people only care about money, abs, and fame. While these desires exist, I notice that many people who attain those things begin seeking out new desires. 

The market doesn’t often speak directly to these desires, or address them head on. But are you truly satisfied?

True satisfaction is a clue that your deeper needs are being met. 

Here are some deeper needs I see:


We seek respect from others because we question ourselves. The way other people view you is a stand in for how you view yourself.   


Last year I met more people more of the types of people I enjoy being around than any year in the past. I found something I had previously found difficult – connection outside of business relationships. Deep and personal connection, illusive in productivity-centric contexts.

This year due to busyness and travel I’ve been less connected. It takes effort and a prioritization to keep up with community, especially when they don’t live nearby you.


Similar to self-respect, but more relaxed, self-love means you give yourself space, grace, and care in times of stress. Your internal dialogue supports you in times of need.  

Realizing Your Potential

Business owners often feel that they have more to give, create, or share. You know you are capable of more and you want to realize that vision you have of yourself. 

Somehow, deep down, you all measure ourselves against your souls potential. 


You desire to stand out from the crowd just like you desire to mesh with it. You are unique already, you can’t help it. But either you don’t see it for yourself or you struggle to open-up in a way that other people can know that uniqueness.

Asking “Why” more than once is a great way to go deeper. Asking that of yourself, which of these needs are you seeking most? 

The thing is, we ARE trying to get these needs met. 

The question is how directly are we working towards them.

I recently have been considering the idea of “correlation” (High or low) with my clients.

How much of what you do is of high-corrleation to what you want? 

How often are you indirect about your actions, hoping that one thing can lead to another. And are you scared of your desires and needs? Would you feel capable of accepting these fully, if they were available to you?

The spaces and products we create have the opportunity to connect with our customers, clients and community on deeper levels than the surface. 

I’m looking for that in what I buy and with who I spend my time with, and I imagine you are too.

As always, let me know how I can help,

xx David

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Caffeine with David
Caffeine with David
Learn how your favorite creators are building a brand and community around who they are.
This podcast is hosted David Sherry, Founder of Death to Stock and Community organizer of Jacuzzi Club.