Caffeine with David
Caffeine with David
The Stupid (Genius?) Business Advice I Paid $12k to Hear.

The Stupid (Genius?) Business Advice I Paid $12k to Hear.

I’m about to give you the secret to all of it…

I wanted to share some business advice that I paid $12k to receive.

I paid to meet an author who is farther ahead than me with some of their work as an author and speaker and public creator. I like their style and approach and I really enjoyed our conversation.

We were going through some details of what I was thinking about and working on and he suddenly stopped me and just…started laughing.

I started laughing awkwardly myself.

…Why are we laughing?

He said… “Ok hold on…let me just tell you the secret….”

*Laughs again*

“Ok you want the secret??

I’m about to give you the secret to all of it…”

I lean in… he leans in…

there is pin-drop silence.

“Don’t do anything you don’t want to do!”

He then proceeds to laugh maniacally.

Stunned by the advice, I wasn’t laughing.

Was this smart? Stupid? What is this?!

Upon reflection, there’s a lot of depth in this simplicity.

So often as business owners and creators of our lives WE put ourselves into situations and then complain about it.

We set a lower price than we want to charge and then feel annoyed that we’re not being paid what we think we’re worth.

We force ourselves to learn how to post clickbait to Linkedin, begrudgingly.

We stay living in the same town when often we could… move.

I remembered this advice this morning because I was doing something other than writing this newsletter and I was not enjoying it. So I stopped, recorded the video, wrote this, felt good about what I was doing and let go of the stupid thing I was doing earlier.

It feels much better.

As always, let me know how I can help,

And ask any question that you’re stuck on and I’ll answer it

xx David


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Caffeine with David
Caffeine with David
Learn how your favorite creators are building a brand and community around who they are.
This podcast is hosted David Sherry, Founder of Death to Stock and Community organizer of Jacuzzi Club.