Caffeine with David
Caffeine with David
Writers Block is Having too Much to Say, Not Too Little

Writers Block is Having too Much to Say, Not Too Little

I have a friend who works with many famous published authors.

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📍 I have a friend who works with many famous published authors. He told me something very interesting about writing and writers block, something I’d never heard before.

He said,

Writer’s block isn’t the inability to find something to say, it’s having too much to say and not knowing where to start.

Writer's block happens when you've spent so much time consuming and ideating and thinking on things that it's finally time to sit down at the blank page and get something on to paper, you start to edit yourself.

When there’s too much on your mind, and too much unsaid for too long, the best thing you can do is start somewhere, anywhere, and get it out to clear your backlog.

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Caffeine with David
Caffeine with David
Learn how your favorite creators are building a brand and community around who they are.
This podcast is hosted David Sherry, Founder of Death to Stock and Community organizer of Jacuzzi Club.