Caffeine with David
Caffeine with David
How do you know that you’re on your path? Because it disappears.

How do you know that you’re on your path? Because it disappears.

+ Defining your Q3 outcomes

When you're working on something important to you, it's easy to feel lost.

That's the paradox of our growth – when doing something you’ve never done before, you are advancing, but it won’t feel like it.

Our progress can be difficult to recognize.

“How do you know that you’re on your path? Because it disappears. That’s how you know… How do you know you’re really doing something radical? Because you can’t see where you’re doing. Everything you have lent on your identity for is gone. ”

- David Whyte

Outcome Focus

As we approach Q3, one ideal way to ground ourselves when we get lost is in the outcomes we wish to create. Having a vision for an end state gets us out of the forest and back into a higher perspective.

This can come in the form of imagination, visuals, story, or numbers.

What are 3 outcomes you’d like to create in Q3?

Make them specific & exciting.

As always, let me know how I can help,

xx David

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Caffeine with David
Caffeine with David
Learn how your favorite creators are building a brand and community around who they are.
This podcast is hosted David Sherry, Founder of Death to Stock and Community organizer of Jacuzzi Club.